a close binary companion

For each of the types of stars listed below, pick the lettered description below that best describes all of the possible fates for that star.
A. The hydrogen-burning lifetime of the star is older than the current age of the universe.
B. White Dwarf
C. Neutron Star or Black Hole
____ A main sequence star of 1 solar mass with no binary companion
____ A main sequence star of 0.1 solar mass with no binary companion
____ A main sequence star of 10 solar masses with
____ A main sequence star of 10 solar masses with no binary companion
____ A red giant star of 1.5 solar masses with no binary companion  a close binary companion
____ The central star of a planetary nebula
____ The brightest stars in the Orion Nebula
____ The brightest stars visible in a halo globular cluster in the Milky Way.