Analysis, significance, relevancy of evidence (refer to index of template if need

E2: Academic Research Paper 

In this research paper, you will make an academic argument by researching and analyzing a topic you want to explore in depth.

Distinguishing features: 

· Purpose:

o Problem-solution (cause, effect, action)

o Convince and persuade audience to take action

o Make an argument about future

· Length 

o 8-10 pages

· Format

o APA (abstract/ subtitles or headings for different sections in the paper and references 

· Sources 

o At least 7 sources from the library databases

§  4 scholarly journal articles/ books

· Academic search complete


§ 3 credible article from other library databases

· Opposing viewpoints

· Issues and controversies

· CQ researcher

o Additional sources should be from credible sources only; no magazine, newspaper, media sources

· Topic: 

o A significant topic you are curious about and want to explore in depth by applying one of the above purposes

o Also, review the “suggested topics”on page 2

· Structure 

o Introduction 

§ Background information and context

· Significance of the topic

· Relevancy to the current national and/ or global issues and events

· Briefly define problem, causes, consequences

· Narrative

· Quotations

· Historical account

· Compare and contrast

§ Thesis statement

· An argumentative statement: topic + argumentative claim and reasons

o Persuasive and convincing

o Problem-solution

o Argument about future

o Body paragraphs 

§ Developed body paragraphs focused on one central point you intend to argue and prove

· Argumentative topic sentence 

· Context 

· 2 pieces of evidence: summarized and/ or paraphrase; few direct quotations

· Analysis, significance, relevancy of evidence (refer to index of template if needed)

· Concluding sentence/ transition

o Conclusion 

§ Speculate about future

§ Call your readers to action

§ Reinforce any national/ global significance and relevancy

· Due dates: 

o Annotated Bibliography due in drop box Tuesday, 10/23

o Thesis and outline  Thursday 10/25

o Rough draft due in class   Thursday 11/01

o Final draft due in drop box Tuesday,  11/06

o PowerPoint Presentations:   Group I: Tuesday,  11/06

Group II: Thursday 11/08

Group III: Tuesday,  11/13

English 1302: Suggested Research topics

  1. Women empowerment
  2. Inspiring students with STEM      education
  3. Gun violence
  4. Alternative energy
  5. Mental disorder
  6. PTST, ADHD, autism
  7. 2nd hand smoking
  8. Bullying/ cyber bullying
  9. E-cigarette
  10. Stem cell research
  11. Head trauma in football/ soccer
  12. Rehabilitation methods in sports      (musclos keletal injury)
  13. Pet therapy
  14. Chemical in food products/ cleaning      products
  15. Art therapy
  16. GMOs
  17. Shortage of raw materials
  18. Genetic abnormalities passed from      one generation to another
  19. Stem cell treatment
  20. Capture and use carbon dioxide
  21. Chemicals that trigger allergies
  22. Genetic modification
  23. Best chemical process of      microbrewery of beer
  24. Developing environmentally friendly      plastics
  25. Biocomputing and big data
  26. Biomacromolecules
  27. Nanotechnology and medical      application
  28. Diabetics control and blood sugar
  29. Nano technology and cancer patients
  30. Gene therapy
  31. Flu vaccine and its effectiveness
  32. Vaccination
  33. Memory loss/ dementia/ Alzheimer’s      disease and treatment
  34. Artificial intelligence
  35. Drones
  36. Cyber attack
  37. Sugar regulation in food industry
  38. Connection between diet and life      span
  39. Antibiotic resistance
  40. Which diet? Low fat? Low sugar? Low      carbs?
  41. Space exploration
  42. Space junk
  43. Endangered animals
  44. Alternative economic system
  45. Green buildings/ energy/ products
  46. Offshore drilling
  47. Hydraulic fracking
  48. Robotics
  49. Teacher retention
  50. Substance abuse among teens/ youth
  51. Challenges faced by minorities/      firs-generation college students/ ESOL students
  52. Sexual harassment
  53. Domestic violence
  54. Violence against women
  55. Juvenile justice
  56. Prison reform/ alternative imprisonment
  57. Anorexia
  58. Outsourcing
  59. Artificial sweetener
  60. Performance enhancing steroids and      human growth hormones (HGH)
  61. Big box stores
  62. Body image
  63. Clean air act
  64. Cloning
  65. Education ranking/ quality in U.S.
  66. DDT
  67. Deepwater oil drilling
  68. Energy efficiency
  69. Environmental regulation
  70. Freedom of speech
  71. Fracking
  72. Freedom of press
  73. HPV vaccine
  74. Pharmaceuticals
  75. Racial profiling
  76. Welfare
  77. Corporate corruption
  78. Factory farming
  79. Digital currency
  80. Food waste
  81. Agricultural subsidies
  82. Hazing
  83. Reproductive technology
  84. Renewable energy
  85. Biofuels
  86. Charter schools
  87. Sexting
  88. Child welfare
  89. STEM education
  90. Local food movement
  91. Millennial generation
  92. Deforestation
  93. Cyber predators
  94. Monopolies
  95. Dietary supplements
  96. Domestic surveillance
  97. Domestic violence
  98. Drug abuse
  99. Nanotechnology
  100. Veterans

Research paper rubric 


APA format


Cover   page


Font   and font size


Indented   and double space paragraphs


APA   header and page number




Global Concerns 


Effective/   absorbing title


Introduction   (background information on the problem)


Thesis:   indicating the purpose of the paper


Developed,   focused and argumentative paragraphs


Argumentative   topic sentences




Evidence   (2) (few direct quotations and mostly summarized/ paraphrased evidence in   APA)


Explanation/   analysis of evidence


Concluding   sentence




Argumentative   and in-depth logical reasoning, explanations, analysis


Elaborating   on and supporting thesis in every body paragraph with evidence, argumentative   and logical supporting details, and analysis of details and evidence


Local concerns 


word   choice (no “wordy” phrases)


spelling,   punctuation, and mechanics


No   “you” and infrequent use of “I” and “be verbs”


Academic   tone and conventions


APA in-text citation




Writing Center rough draft review 

+ 3