
Philosophy First Writing Assignment

In a 2-3 page paper, address the following questions in expository essay style.

What kind of definitions is Socrates looking for? Explain Plato’s theory/view of justice. Is Plato’s view/theory a Socratic definition? Why or why not? Explain 2 of Aristotle’s virtues? Are these Aristotelian definitions of virtues Socratic? Why or why not?

Please use Times New Roman Font (double spaced).

Your paper will be graded on the 10 rules below

Writing Rules for papers:

1. Brainstorm: Answer the question on a sheet of paper before you begin writing.

2. Rewrite the prompt in your own words (do this on a separate sheet of paper)

3. Get to the point right away (no introductions are needed)

4. Organize ideas. Use paragraphs as “units of meaning.” Paragraphs can help you organize your ideas

5. Transition (usually at the end of the paragraph), wherever possible.

6. Use your own examples wherever possible.

7. The first paragraph should, in some way, structure the whole paper

8. Don’t include anything that is irrelevant.

9. Address all parts of the prompt

10. Pay attention to word choice: a wrong choice of words may look like you don’t know what you are talking about