expense applications

DUE: 11.01.14 @11:59PM

The study of finance introduces concepts typically related to cash flows versus the income and expense applications found in an accounting course. The finance manager is able to evaluate the impact of a) taxes, b) operating leverage, c) production breakeven points, and d) incremental after-tax free cash flows. As the finance manager, you must recognize how these factors influence cash flows and cash budgeting strategies. These responsibilities may be large in scope and require an understanding of financial accounting, production processes and managerial accounting. A certification associated with many of these concepts is the Certified Managerial Accountant.

Please write a 1-page paper, double spaced that summarizes the following information above, and what you think of it.

Document Requirements:

Use standard 12-point font size

MS Word Document

1 page paper(Nothing less!)

1-2 sources in APA citation(I willn’t need anymore then 3 sources for sure)

Thorough Response is a must!!

And NO plagiarism!!