How do you write a good “They Say I Say” thesis? Attempt to write one.

This week we will learn about the “They Say I Say” thesis statement. You will use this type of thesis statement in your essay writing. This type of statement allows you to establish a place within the conversation of the subject rather then simply just present your view. It requires that you combine your prior knowledge  with other’s views and can established a thoughtful, educated and credible argument. You have been preparing for this with your prior active reading and listening. All you need now is a better understanding on the “They Say I Say” thesis so you can formulate your argument into the “They Say I Say” format.

Read from the text book They Say I Say, pages: 1-29 and 55-67 to learn the basics. Pay special attention to the templates in each section. The most important thing in these readings is to finish the reading and answer the 3 following questions so you know what each section is teaching.

Answer with 1-3 sentences for each question.

  1. Who is the “they say” ?
  2. Who is the “I say” ?
  3. How do you write a good “They Say I Say” thesis? Attempt to write one.


They Say

Accurately and completely identifies the They Say

I Say

Accurately and completely identifies the I Say.


Accurately and completely explains how to write a good They Say I Say thesis and attempts to write one using the subject higher education and referencing an author or speaker from the assignments.