hydrogen-helium atmosphere

From each list below, identify event that happened first.
____ (A) The Big Bang
(B) Jupiter captures a hydrogen-helium atmosphere
(C) The sun begins to burn helium
(D) The creation of the cosmic microwave background
____ (A) The creation of the cosmic microwave background
(B) Men visit the moon
(C) Formation of the lunar maria
(D) Most craters on the Moon and Mercury are formed
____ (A) Small particles of metal oxides condense in the dusty disk around the sun
(B) The sun begins to burn helium
(C) Beta Crucis (typeB0 V) the second brightest star in the Southern Cross, is born.
(D) Jupiter captures a hydrogen-helium atmosphere
____ (A) Africa and South America become separate pieces of land
(B) A prominent supernova is seen in the constellation Taurus (the Crab Supernova)
(C) Most craters on the Moon and Mercury are formed
(D) Formation of the lunar maria
____ (A) Formation of population II stars
(B) A portion of a molecular cloud stars to collapse. One part will eventually become the sun.
(C) Massive metal poor stars go supernova and dump metals into the interstellar medium
(D) Most craters on the Moon and Mercury are formed