
1. Lucinda has recently moved to the United States from Colombia. Her children no longer speak Spanish and are learning to live like American children. Lucinda’s children are experiencing
A. ethnocentrism.
B. cultural relativism.

C. assimilation.
D. multiculturalism.

2. Regarding consumerism, which statement is most accurate?
A. Advertising is so pervasive these days that it has only a marginal impact on consumer purchasing decisions.

B. As consumer debt has increased, family purchases have declined proportionally.
C. As women increasingly joined the workforce, families tended to buy more consumer goods.
D. Consumerism is a form of economic cultural diffusion.

3. The transmission of culture from one person (or generation) to the next is dependent on

A. natural human instincts.
B. the human capacity for language.
C. the human capacity for creating and using technology.
D. a large brain.

1. The self-concept is best defined as
A. the spontaneous reaction we have to others in our daily lives.
B. a person’s thoughts regarding his or her personality and social roles.

C. the selfish egocentric part of the self.
D. the way other people perceive us.

2. Which of the following is the correct definition of sanctions?

A. The forms of interaction through which people relate to one another
B. The expectation that people will return favors when they’re obligated to do so

C. Rewards for conformity and punishments for nonconformity
D. Lifestyles that are opposed to the wider culture

3. In Freudian theory, the _______ is the natural, unsocialized biological component of the psyche that includes hunger and sexual urges.
A. ego
B. superego

C. me
D. id

1. In Mead’s theory, the “I” is the

A. self of which we’re aware.
B. spontaneous, creative part of the self.

C. selfless, other-centered part of the self.

D. self as social object.

2. Which of these statements best reflects Mead’s concept of the generalized other?

A. Most of us learn our social roles from watching what other people do.
B. Anyone Jane doesn’t recognize as a significant other, she considers a generalized other.
C. Ike has an overall understanding of the norms and values of his culture.
D. Jake imagines what it’s like to be firefighter and decides he would like to be a firefighter.

3. The variable in a hypothesis that precedes or causes a change in the other variable in the hypothesis is called the _______ variable.

A. dependent
B. sample
C. control
D. independent

1. Modern theories of cognitive development were developed primarily by

A. George Herbert Mead.
B. Herbert Spencer.
C. Jean Piaget.
D. Sigmund Freud.

2. Professor Manning points out that girls and boys are raised in what amounts to literally different cultures. As a result, girls and boys learn distinct approaches to social interaction and subtly inconsistent ways of characterizing the social status of the opposite sex. The professor is most probably introducing her students to the __________ perspective.
A. conflict
B. structural-functionalist C. cultural-relativist
D. symbolic-interactionist

3. Which of the following principles is illustrated by laws requiring the use of seat belts?

A. Elimination of values
B. Creation of values

C. Emphasis on voluntary compliance
D. Using laws to create norms

1. Given the context of your textbook’s discussion, which of these activities would you be most likely to pursue to acquire cultural capital?
A. Reading everything you can find about your Native American ancestors

B. Improving your golf score
C. Learning English as a second language

D. Collecting baseball cards

2. Norms that characterize the customary, normal, and habitual ways people are expected to do things are known as
A. customs.

B. mores.

C. laws.
D. folkways.

3. “Society is like an organism, the parts work in harmony to contribute to the maintenance of the whole. A healthy society is one that’s public.” These statements are consistent with which sociological perspective?
A. Symbolic interaction
B. Cultural determinism
C. Structural-functional theory

D. Conflict theory