Start working on your plan now. As you read, learn, and make decisions, you will probably change the content, support, and the way you explain.

Research Paper Outline (in progress) 

  • Start working on your plan now. As you read, learn, and make decisions, you will probably change the content, support, and the way you explain.
  • Make a copy of this outline for yourself and start completing it. 

Research question: school bully_____________________?

How can school prevent school bullying?

What cause a student become bullied and how to stop it?


Why does this topic interest you? Because it is a big issue that everybody needs to pay attention to it.

Why do you think this subject will be academic, novel, and arguable?

This subject will be arguable

Abstract(do this part last)

I. Introduction

a. Hook

Many kids been through school bully and some students committee suicide after being bullied.

  1. Background

Bully exist everywhere and it needs to be taken care of to prevent more and more kids try to end their life.

  1. Thesis

We have to find out what cause student becomes a bully and how to prevent it. Mainly from three part, how student become a bully, what impact can bully do to other students, and how to prevent school bully

II. Sub-topic #1 thesis

How student become a bully

a. BP1 topic Family

Evidence & source

  1. BP2 topic   grow up environment

Evidence & source

  1. BP3 topic childhood trauma

Evidence & source

III. Sub-topic #2 thesis 

What impact can bully do to another student?

a. BP1 topic


Evidence & source

  1. BP2 topic suicide

Evidence & source

  1. BP3 topic twist mind (school shooting)

Evidence & source

IV. Sub-topic #3 thesis

How to prevent school bully

a. BP1 topic

Harder on school rules, more strict

Evidence & source

  1. BP2 topic make them feel welcome

Evidence & source

  1. BP3 topic provide free counseling

Evidence & source

V. Conclusion 

a. Restated thesis

b. Suggestion / opinion / prediction


Reference Page

Effects of Bullying. (2018). Retrieved from

Gross, G. (2018). What Causes Your Child to Become a Bully?. Retrieved from

Peck, S. (2018). About Your Privacy on this Site. Retrieved from

The Impact of Bullying. (2018). Retrieved from

What Kids Can Do. (2018). Retrieved from

American psychological association

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