Analyze the projected costs

Analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the break-even point. Be sure to include a budget, an assessment of assets and liabilities, your anticipated sources of funding, and the associated costs of attaining that capital as part of the analysis. Justify the analysis with relevant primary and secondary data in an appendix, specifying any relevant assumptions and limitations. You should include, among other support, sales forecasts, cash flow statements, income projections, and any other relevant calculations or financial reports.


For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric document and the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document.

This is an eight (8) page paper with the continued theme of previous papers.

The following headings should be created to reflect the critical elements identified in the rubric:

 Analyze the projected costs, revenue streams, and net present value for the concept from launch until two years after the breakeven point.

 Include the following as part of your analysis:

o Budget

o Assessment of assets and liabilities

o Anticipated sources of funding

o Associated costs of attaining that capital

 Include relevant proforma financial reports:

o Sales forecasts

o For additional details,

o Income projections

o All other relevant reports specific to your concept or idea


Follow the rubric requirements (attached).

Sources must be cited with APA format.

Plagiarism is unacceptable. Must be less than 20% copied from source

Describe the performance venue and stage setup

Assignment Directions:
1. Attend a concert from the MUS 114 Concert List – make sure that you adhere to the deadlines for attendance. Keep your concert program for reference and take notes during the concert.
2. Download the Concert Review 1 template and complete each section in detail and depth. Your responses should be recorded directly on to the document.
3. Once you have completed your response, submit the document through the assignment window on Blackboard for grading. The review is due within ONE WEEK of the concert date. Reviews that are submitted late will be penalized 5 points per day.
NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE the formatting of the document. If your submitted review does not open for the grader a grade of “zero” will be assigned.

DEADLINE: The last concert available to fulfill this assignment is Tuesday, Oct 10

Attention: Students have the option to work with a partner when attending these concerts and writing the review.
If you are working with a partner:
1. A copy of the review must be submitted by each student through their blackboard shell
2. The names of BOTH students must be printed on the review for reference and recording of grades

Section I: Introduction (10)

(1) Performance:

(1) Performance date:

(2) Describe the performance venue and stage setup:

(3) Describe the type of group/ensemble performing as well as a brief reference to the overall musical presentation:

(3) Describe your expectation regarding this concert experience:

Section II: Discussion of a song/piece you particularly enjoyed (25)

(1) Title of Piece:

(1) Composer:

(2) Compositional period/Genre:

(2) Performing Medium/Instrumentation:

(7) Discuss your overall impression of the selection you have chosen and why you enjoyed it:

(12) Reference the musical aspects of the piece including a discussion/description of three musical elements you observed during the performance of this selection:

Section III: Conclusion (10)

(3) Did you enjoy this concert experience – why or why not?

(3) Based on your expectations for this concert, how did the concert meet or disappoint those expectations?

(4) On a personal level, what will you take with you regarding this experience?

Section IV: Overall Presentation (5) *this section is completed by the grader of the review

Fair (1-2): Lacking in required content. Poor writing style for collegiate level. Responses vague and undeveloped.

Good (3-4): Good representation of required content. Good writing style for this collegiate level. Responses demonstrate good awareness and application of musical terminology.

Excellent (5): Excellent representation of required content. Excellent work for this level of collegiate writing. Responses are insightful and developed in content.