the optimal system crash

Given the following project network where the times are in weeks and the costs in $:


Task       Normal  Time          Crash  Time               Normal  Cost               Crash Cost          IP

A                  6                            4                                8000                              14000                    –

B               1                             1                                          4000                          4000                  A

C              8                           4                                8000                                         24000             –

D                5                         3                                  10000                                  24000             C

E                9                              5                             10000                                  18000                B,C

F              12                           6                            20000                                      36000              D,E

G              3                            2                             10000                                    18000                   F


a.  Determine the critical time.


b.  Identify the critical path(s)


c.  What is the minimum time that this project can be completed?


d.    What is the total cost to achieve the answer in part c?


e.   What is the optimal system crash time assuming there is a $10,000 per week penalty for

every 20 weeks?


f.     What specific tasks are crashed and by how much?


g.    What is the total system cost associated with the answer in part f?