treatment by a physician

Question 1
Accidents and illnesses that must be reported are those that:
A. result in deaths.
B. cause the employee to miss work.
C. require treatment by a physician.
D. All of the above

Question 2
The color __________ is used to color-code areas where there is a danger of fire.
A. gray
B. orange
C. red
D. green

Question 3
Conflict is associated with job dissatisfaction and anxiety. It has also been linked to:
A. heart disease.
B. elevated blood pressure.
C. excessive eating.
D. All of the above

Question 4
In 2000, __________ was the sector most affected by repetitive stress injuries and carpel tunnel syndrome.
A. manufacturing
B. services
C. wholesale trade
D. retail trade

Question 1
If a deficiency does not have to do with skills, then it may need to be addressed in terms of:
A. removing obstacles.
B. creating a more positive, motivational climate.
C. making some type of job change.
D. All of the above

Question 2
Studies indicate that __________ is one of the leading causes of recent increases in workplace violence.
A. stress
B. substance abuse
C. financial difficulty
D. mental illness

Question 3
According to the text, ineffective performance is the result of any of the following EXCEPT:
A. the supervisor’s experience level.
B. motivational climate.
C. skills.
D. the job.

Question 4
Most Employee Assistance Programs share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT that:
A. employees needing assistance are identified and referred to the program.
B. the employee is introduced to the program and then has his/her problem evaluated.
C. employees are terminated if they refuse to enter the program.
D. employees receive professional diagnosis and treatment, usually by an outside agency.

Question 1
A survey of security directors at Fortune 1000 companies identified __________ as the greatest threat to organizations today.
A. employee theft
B. alcoholism
C. drug abuse
D. financial instability

Question 2
Human resource managers generally address employee dishonesty problems by utilizing all of the following EXCEPT:
A. discipline.
B. termination.
C. transfer.
D. rehabilitation.

Question 3
There is an increased opportunity for fraud during all of the following situations EXCEPT:
A. addition of new product line.
B. periods of fast growth.
C. high volume inventory.
D. mergers.

Question 4
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners found that only 12 percent of fraud-committing employees:
A. had a compelling reason to do so.
B. were over the age of 40.
C. had been long-time employees.
D. had a previous conviction.

Question 1
Drinking on the job is an example of a(n) __________ rule violation.
A. prohibited behavior
B. productivity
C. time
D. insubordination

Question 2
Smoking on the job is an example of a(n) __________ rule violation.
A. time
B. insubordination
C. illegal behavior
D. safety

Question 3
States adopting a broad public policy exception recognize violations when an individual is discharged for:
A. asserting a statutory right.
B. refusing to commit an illegal act.
C. refusing to violate professional codes of ethics.
D. All of the above

Question 4
More than three-fifths of all job hazard cases occur in the __________ sector of the economy.
A. medical
B. transportation
C. security
D. manufacturing

Question 1
Disorders associated with __________ accounted for about 60 percent of all illnesses reported.
A. stressful working conditions
B. toxic chemicals
C. repeated trauma
D. biological hazards

Question 2
The third leading cause of work-related fatalities is:
A. falling.
B. highway accidents.
C. homicide.
D. poisoning.

Question 3
Exposure to cotton dust can result in:
A. liver damage.
B. sterility.
C. brown lung.
D. dermatitis.

Question 4
Exposure to microwave radiation can result in all of the following EXCEPT:
A. sterility.
B. harm to eyes.
C. increased risk of cataracts.
D. liver damage.