Where possible, use terminology that a layperson can understand and cover the basic

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Using your notes from Lab Assignment 2, you will write a laboratory report for your comparison.  Report writing differs from agency to agency, or in different jurisdictions.  Generally, your final report should include the following:

  • Your name
  • The name of the investigator
  • Case or file number(s)
  • Date
  • Address of the location of the scene or lab
  • General description of the item(s), event, or activity that is the subject of the assignment
  • Objective of the assignment
  • Procedure used
  • Case summary
  • Conclusions and Findings (may include an opinion).
  • Specific dates, times and places of investigatory testing or other activities (i.e such as removing evidence from storage, consulting other examiners, etc)
  • Photographs, samples, drawings, schedules, maps, charts and summaries relevant to the case
  • Test examinations, calculations, computations or other procedures that were followed

Of course you should write in an unbiased, professional manner with proper grammar and spelling.  Where possible, use terminology that a layperson can understand and cover the basic, “who, what, when, where, why and how” questions.