21. Which legal system is based on a religious document and religious teachings?Property

21. Which legal system is based on a religious document and religious teachings?



Theocratic law

Civil law

Common law

 22. Which type of good has well-established property rights?

Public goods

Private goods

Club goods

Common goods

23. Which activity disregards basic property rights?

A person reads a newspaper on the backyard patio

Someone chooses to ride a bike to work rather than drive a car

Students play loud music in the open area between dorms

Executives discuss strategy in the company boardroom

24. what is one type of economy that uses the market system?

Political economy

Mixed economy

Universal economy

Dual economy

25. which kind of outcome was adam smith referring to when describing the invisible hand

Open outcomes

Planned outcomes

Mixed outcomes

Market outcomes

26. What does the value of the marginal product of labor for a perfectly competitive, profit-maximizing firm equal?



