“A Day in the Life” Project Agreement

“A Day in the Life” Project Agreement


The purpose of the “A Day in the Life” Project is to give students an opportunity to ‘shadow’ an entrepreneur of their choice so they can learn first hand what an entrepreneur’s lifestyle is like. This is a requirement for a class entitled “Exploring Entrepreneurship” in the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University.


· Students are required to spend a total of 12 hours with an entrepreneur during the Spring 2018 semester. How the time is allocated is entirely up to the student and entrepreneur, but this assignment must be done in person and should be tracked.

· Students are not compensated for their time/efforts. Students are not interns and should not be treated as such. ‘Light assistance’ such as assisting with time management, basic communications, contributing to discussions, event planning, etc. is acceptable and must be agreed upon between both parties at the commencement of project.

· Through observation and light assistance, students are expected to record their experiences via an Activity Report and then submit a more comprehensive report at the end of the semester.

· Should any problems arise, please contact the professor, Dr. Christine Janssen, Director of the Entrepreneurship program, at 718-817-0494 or [email protected].


By signing below, both parties agree to partner with one another for this assignment. This is not a legally binding agreement, but rather an understanding that the expectations and requirements above will be adhered to for the duration of the project. A signed copy of this agreement must also be provided to the professor before the commencement of project.

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Student Name Partner Name

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Email Email

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Telephone Telephone

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Student Signature Partner Signature

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Date Date