Business PORSCHE Case study

Business PORSCHE Case study
Assignment Sheet: Memo 4
Content Analysis
Goals and Skills: Students are asked to discuss specific concepts, theories and research findings that they learned in readings to new content they encounter. This allows students to connect relevant material to students’ lives and allows for more effective learning. The weekly activities also allow students to practice different research methods used in social research.
Specific Instructions:
1. Watch this video on content analysis: (7 minutes)
2. Visit the University of Arizona, Special Collections Main Lobby (across the plaza from the Main Library, next to the Starbucks) during open hours (Monday-Friday 9am-6pm).
3. Spend 30 minutes looking at the exhibit on display.
4. Think of a simple research question related to the content. Write it down. (Example: What is the topic of this display? What was happening during this historic period? What does this artist paint about? How do different experts write about a similar topic? How are different types of materials useful for creating a museum exhibit?)
5. Choose 10-15 pieces of material on display (they can be artwork, photos, letters, historical documents)
6. Design a coding scheme (either manifest, latent or both) of 5 different codes using your pieces of material. What are some common elements? What are elements shown or mentioned in some pieces and not others? (This is not an easy thing to do. Try your best! You are looking for patterns based on the content but also consider things that may not be included. An example of a manifest code might be the appearance of the word “rock and roll” or “assassination”. A latent code might be “aggression”, “anti-government”, “imprisonment”).
7. Take notes and count how often your codes occur in each material (It might be helpful to include a table in your notes). Take notes about the context in which the occur. (This will help you remember the context when you are writing up your Memo)
8. Write up your results, you may include your table if you would like, but make sure to explain the results clearly. Try and answer: What patterns did you find? Did your sample/selected pieces represent the overall exhibit? What did your selection/sample reveal to you? What were the patterns you found? Would your coding scheme be helpful in another context? Would another observer come up with similar coding scheme? Why or why not?
Due: Memos are to be submitted on D2L in the correct Assignment Folder by Friday 11:59pm of the assigned week.
Rubric: The memos will be graded based on the following scale:

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