Consider the following regression model Yi = 130 + lei + zXzi + 3X3i + M Data for the relevant variables are in this file. Estimate the model using

hi im not sure how to compute the answer given the data

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Consider the following regression model Yi = 130 + filei + fizXzi + fi3X3i + MData for the relevant variables are in this file. Estimate the model using the OLS method. a. Use a t-statistic to compute the p-value for the null hypothesis H0 : fil = fig.b. Using a significance level of 1% and a two-sided alternative hypothesis, do your reject H0? Show all your working. Your answer should include the relevant output for the estimatedregression model. Also, you should state the null hypothesis, the significance level, theformula for the test statistic, the PDF of the test statistic under the null hypothesis, the value of the test statistic, the p-value and your conclusion.