Design;web design

Design;web design
The required book for this assignment is: Learning web design 5th You may find it under this link:
For this assignment, you will need to create a table and a form. You might need to create a new page, but it is not necessary. You will apply the skills that you learned in this module to complete this assignment.
1. (35 points) Create a table similar to the one shown in exercise 8-4 of your textbook. Make sure to include content that is relative to your website. You might want to consider including content related to your favorite hobby, sports, vacation spot, country, etc. Make sure to apply CSS style rules to your table so that it is consistent with the look and feel of your website.
2. (35 points) Create a form for your website. The form can be a Contact Me kind of form or a form for creating an account on your site or subscribing to a list or related to the table contents or anything else related to your website. Make sure your form has at least:
• 3 text-entry fields
• 2 or 3 radio buttons
• 2 or 3 checkboxes
• 1 dropdown field
• 1 textarea
• 1 or more buttons (submit, clear, cancel buttons)
Make sure to apply CSS style rules to your form so that it is consistent with the look and feel of your website.
3. (30 points) Embed a YouTube video of your favorite music artist in your hobbies’ page or a page of your choice. {}

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