Facts on Voting – Good Answers

Facts on Voting – Good Answers

You are required to find out the answer to the following questions. Please make sure to provide complete bibliographic information for all facts. Provide copies of documents when possible. You need at least two sources.

1- What is the national rate of voting in 2008 and 2012 for people ages
18-24 and all other age ranges? (Note: I need numbers or percentage including the source you got the information from)

2- What is the Missouri state rate of voting in 2008 and 2012 for people ages
18-24 and all other age ranges? (Note: I need numbers or percentage including the source you got the information from)

3- What is the rate of voting in 2008 and 2012 in St. Louis city and county combined for people ages 18-24 and all other age ranges? (Note: I need numbers or percentage including the source you got the information from)

4- What are the general range of ages used when people refer to young voters. Are we right to focus on 18-24?’
5- Develop a well researched demographic and psychographic of current 18-24 years olds .
(questions 4 and 5 need normal answers either with numbers or not).

  • sources are important because we will check them together after submitting the assignment.

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