History; paleoanthropologist!

History; paleoanthropologist!
For your activity this week, I want you to play paleoanthropologist! I wish we had a real fossil collection to play with, but we don’t, so the Smithsonian 3D fossil collection is the next best thing. I’ve provided the link here, as well as a chart with which I want you to do four specific comparisons of five fossil hominins: Australopithecus africanus (STS5) to Homo habilis (KNM-ER 1813), H. habilis to Homo erectus (KNM-ER 3733), H. erectus to Neandertal (LaChapelle), and Neandertal to modern human (Skuhl V). Print off the PDF of the chart below and fill it out as you explore the fossils. In each space on the chart, you should note similarities and differences specific to the part of the skull noted to the left of the chart. The best way to do it is to open a separate webpage for each fossil and move the fossils into the exact same position so you can compare them. If you have questions about the specific traits I mention on the left side of the chart – USE YOUR BOOK to look them up! Scan the PDF and upload your answers to the assignment page. As always, email me if you have any questions about the requirements for this assignment.

Here is the link to the Smithsonian site:


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