Leadership: benefits and liabilities of cohesion in entrepreneurial practices? Research paper Psychology

Leadership: benefits and liabilities of cohesion in entrepreneurial practices? Research paper Psychology
I will begin my research paper by examining the concept of cohesion and its operational
definition in the context of Irving Janis’s Groupthink Theory that describes underlying processes of faulty decision making in small groups. I will then turn my attention from public policy to the role cohesion plays in networking that prompts entrepreneurial practices and move on to examine leadership socialization styles that stimulate group cohesiveness in corporate structures as well as investigate the extent to which this factor affects group performance. By examining the positive and negative aspects of creating a cohesive work environment I will seek to determine an optimal managerial practice that balances group and personal interests and will draw on the personality factors that enable transformational leadership. Based on a review of relevant literature I will conclude that transformational leadership enhances group cohesion which as a result leads to a development of innovative practices that make companies with such leadership style competitive and successful.
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