Northwind Data Mining and Statistical Analysis – Data Warehouse

Northwind Data Mining and Statistical Analysis – Data Warehouse

The purpose of this milestone assignment is to complete the tasks
described below in preparation for your final project delivery.

Data Warehouse:
Create a data warehouse database, including the fact and dimension tables (star schema).
Create the schema for each table.
Populate the tables using either ETL (Pentaho) or SQL (PostgreSQL).
Preprocessing for SAS:
Extract data from the data warehouse, creating a file for input into
SAS. The format of the file is your choice. Ensure SAS University
Edition accepts your selected format.
You should use the plan formulated in Milestone 1 of Module 3 for the detailed steps you intend to follow.

For this milestone assignment, you are expected to submit:

Screenshots of the populated data warehouse
Star schema design, either a drawing or screenshot
Row counts for the fact and dimension tables
Brief description of your key learnings from completing this assignment

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