potential advantages and disadvantages of presidential and parliamentary systems essay

potential advantages and disadvantages of presidential and parliamentary systems essay

In the readings for this week, you read about the potential advantages and disadvantages of presidential and parliamentary systems. In your response paper (two full pages of text, double-spaced, no need to include a name or title), please respond to the following questions: How do Faris and Pillalamarri argue that the United States would be better off with a parliamentary system? Do you find their arguments convincing or do you think there are advantages to the presidential system that outweigh its potential problems and dangers? [You should spend the first
page of the paper on a precise summary of the authors' arguments. On
the second page, you should evaluate the authors' arguments.] Additional material these sites can be used as well https://nationalinterest.org/feature/america-needs-parliament-17220https://theweek.com/articles/815200/what-shutdown-says-about-americas-shattered-government

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