rm(list=ls()) library(sp) library(rgdal) library(raster) library(rasterVis) library(latticeExtra) PopPath lt;-…

I have this HW2 to be finished. The other two files are supposed to help to finish the assignment. I need this assignment to be done as soon as possible by today. Thank You. 

  • Attachment 1
  • Attachment 2
  • Attachment 3

rm(list=ls())library(sp)library(rgdal)library(raster)library(rasterVis)library(latticeExtra)PopPath <- "/Users/YUE/Documents/Teaching/Eco 329 17/R/example1"#———————————————–## Load a raster that comes originally from# the collection of population density# rasters at#www.worldpop.org.uk# all freely downloadable.# These are huge files that provide estimates# of population in small cells of about# 100 meters square—very detailed!# The estimates come from a sophisticated# Bayesian model that draws on a combination# of land cover and population data. The# model can give wrong results, of course,# but the authors are very interested in and# responsive to reports of errors and odd# findings.#———————————————–#kenya <- raster( paste(PopPath, "ken08povmpi-uncert.tif", sep="/") )# Get a summary of the raster: 1116276 cells!kenya# The data give the (estimated) number of people in# the grid cell, as reported in "values"MyColors <- colorRampPalette( colors=c("red", "yellow", "green"),space="Lab")MyTheme <- rasterTheme(region=MyColors(30))# Use the contour option to plot density:p0 <- levelplot(kenya, par.settings=MyTheme,contour=TRUE, margin=FALSE)print(p0)#———————————————## Add level-2 GADM administrative boundaries#data:http://www.gadm.org/#———————————————#KEN_level2 <- readRDS( file=paste(PopPath, "KEN_adm2.rds", sep="/") )p1 <- p0 + layer(sp.polygons(KEN_level2, lwd=0.4, col="red"))print(p1)