sapling learning 50 A Profit – Maximizing Monopolistic Competitor* Marginal Cost The graph to the right 40 shows the costs , 35 revenue , and demand…

Can’t understand the graph enough, please help with this problem

sapling learning50A Profit – Maximizing Monopolistic Competitor*Marginal CostThe graph to the right40shows the costs ,35revenue , and demandfacing a30BAverage Costmonopolistically25competitive firm!Price ( 5 )20CDRefer to the graph to15answer the three10multiple choice5Demandquestions below .O- 5E- 10` Marginal Revenue*O102030105060708020100110QuantityThe area covered by therectangle C D EFThe area covered by theis the firm’s :"rectangle A B D C is theThe area covered by thefirm’s :"rectangle A B EF is the firm’s :"total costOtotal costOtotal costOtotal revenueOtotal revenuetotal revenueOprofitOprofitDOOprofitOnone of the aboveOnone of the abovenone of the above