Setting a Realistic determination

#1  Ulises Gomez

ThursdayOct 5 at 12:17am

Manage Discussion Entry

Per our text, the acronym SMART represents: Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Realistic. Time bound. The training objective is designed to be realistic and achievable goals Kopp, 2016.

The way SMART will aid me toward graduating from Ashford University is by:

Being an achievable goal. Setting a Realistic determination to completed this task. Lastly, Time bound to each course.

I didn’t realize I used the SMART goal, until now. One afternoon where I was just sitting around the house looking toward my future, when I realized that I had spent half of my life in the military. Although I have enjoyed my time spent here; I needed to start looking at beyond the military. That’s where I started setting my goals.

First- Specific- I need my Bachelor’s Degree before I got out of the military. 

Second-Realistic- What I needed was a laptop and spend more nights reading my assignments. For this to work, I would have to study at night. On the weeks where I have to week the whole weekends, I need to turn in my assignments early.

Lastly- Time Bound- My time lines are: Wednesdays, I need to spend the night a work so I could catch up on reading and assignments. All my writing assignments need to be done and turned in no later than Sunday nights.

I have to admit it hasn’t been easy. There have been many late nights and early mornings; but I am making it one week at a time. One class at a time. This is how much my goal of attain a Bachelor’s degree means to me.


Kopp.D.M. (2014). Humana Resource Development: Performance improvement through learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.


#2 Lindsay Garcia

ThursdayOct 5 at 10:58am

Manage Discussion Entry

S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym used to ensure that training objectives are targeted and focused. The training objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound (Kopp, 2014). Questions must be asked to yourself to ensure that you are meeting the critieria.
• Specific. What exactly should be done?
• Measurable. Is the objective measurable?
• Achievable. Can the employee get the goal accomplished in the proposed time frame, in the existing culture, or at his or her currentlevel of competency?
• Realistic. Will this goal lead to the desired results?
• Time bound. When or how often does the employee need to meet a particular goal? (Kopp, 2014)
S.M.A.R.T. Goals
1. Manage my school work by waking up at 8:00 am on the weekend to complete anything due EOD Monday. This will help with reducing the work and stress that Monday brings me and create habit. I usually sleep in on the weekend because It’s the only time I have to do so, however, doing my work and getting that out of way first will allow to rest after.

2. In Jan 2018 take a minimum two additional courses to shorten my graduation date by May or June. Talking to my advisor on how to do so will be the next step. This will help me by speeding up the process with the help of managing my time on the weekends. I will be able to focus on my new job and apply myself. Hopefully this will allow me to climb the ladder and move into a different position since I will have a degree. Upon taking the job offer, I made it clear what my goals were and what direction I would like to move in. 

3. Stay motivated and focused on my progress from Oct 2017 – May 2018. Life gets extremely busy and we all have times were we can feel overwhelmed. I need to utilize my support systems more frequently. For example, family, friends, teachers and advisers. I will stay focused by not making any plans/vacations until after I graduate.


Kopp.D.M. (2014). Humana Resource Development: Performance improvement through learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.