short power point presentation

Your Final Project for this course will include a short paper (5 pages, double spaced) and a

short power point presentation on any topic you would like. The paper and the power point

can be on the same topic.

Your selected topic may include issues we covered during the course, or some other

innovation we did not discuss in class, if you so choose.

Please, start working on this now.

We shall have have class presentations on your research topic –a Power Point presentation that would

last about 10 minutes–

Your papers are due on our last class.

Your research paper and presentation should clearly illustrate the innovation you would like to

present. Your analysis should include:

–A summary of the innovation

–Why you believe that it is important. Be specific

–The current and estimated economic/commercial value of the innovation

–How this innovation changed and/or will change the sector or sectors that it affects

–Possible challenges coming from other innovations that may displace it in the future