Why children who sleep more get better grades ?

Why children who sleep more get better grades ?


the writing and the idea should be from the article

This is the article


• Select a current article (i.e. an article that is not older than two years) from a newspaper, magazine, journal or the internet, which should be related to your field of study. The article should be between 500 to 800 words in length but you can discuss this part with your teacher. It must be approved by your teacher before you start working on it.
• You can use electronic databases available through Swinburne library online to find suitable articles.

In writing your reading journal you must include:
• A citation
• A summary – this should be approximately 200 words. The summary should contain the main ideas and important supporting details, and should be written in your own words. Do not include any direct references (quotes) in your summary. This task is designed to help you to develop paraphrasing strategies.
• A text response – this should be approximately 200 words in length. This part must be from you; do not repeat anything that is in your summary. You can use first person if you like. Use the following questions to help you:
• Who is the writer?
• What qualifications does the writer have?
• Who is/will/would be affected negatively by the changes described in the article?
• Who is/will/would be affected positively by the changes described in the article?
• Are there any questions that have not been answered in the article?
• What do you think will happen in the future?

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