ddressed the question or focus topics for the assignment

 Submit a three pages reaction paper and be prepared to discuss the novel in class on the assigned date.

Include relevant important multicultural terms (assimilation-acculturation, voluntary/involuntary minorities, ethnic identity, racism (individual & institutional), culture conflicts (values, beliefs other cultural patterns), stereotyping, white privilege,  multiple perspective, high-low context culture, social action…

Read one of the following children’s books: (bookstore has some titles, Amazon, school libraries…)

Taylor, Mildred.  Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Buss, Fran.  Journey of the Sparrows

Crew, Linda.  Children of the River

Pitts, Paul.  Racing the Sun


View one of the following films

The Godfather


My Family

The Joy Luck Club


In what ways did the book/film illustrate some of the concepts we have been discussing in class?  How were the characters ethnic identity affected?  What cultural conflicts existed between the characters?  What types of racism were evident?  How was high-context culture illustrated?  Social Action?  Did this book give you a different point of view?  (multiple perspective).  How did the historical perspective (from a minority viewpoint impact your thinking about that group today?  Would you use this book or film (with older students)?  Why or why not?

Well-written multicultural literature& films can help us to bring diversity into the classroom.  (goal #2- cultural consciousness, insight into the different values and beliefs helps us to be more accepting of different world-views)  It can also provide insight into different communication patterns that exist among groups (goal #3-Intercultural Competence).  Often it can also provide a perspective not generally found in our textbooks  (goal #1 Multiple Historical perspectives).   As we identify with the character, we begin to combat the prejudice and discrimination they must endure (goal #4 combating racism, sexism…). Along with a multicultural curriculum, it can provide motivation for our students to get involved, to participate in activities for the common good, to take a stand when they see injustice. (goal # 6 Social Action)

•well written essay where you analyze the characters and plot relative to the multicultural concepts we have been discussing.  (institutional racism, high-low context cultures, voluntary & involuntary immigrants, culture conflicts, ethnic identity, assimilation & acculturation, stereotypes) Not all books will address all of these concepts

•your personal reaction to the book/film& whether you would use in the classroom (most of these are state-adopted) Evaluate as a teaching tool.

*Specifics on essays (an A paper)

-addressed the question or focus topics for the assignment

-good introduction, ideas organized effectively with an orderly progression, good closure

-good use of grammar, spelling, sentence structure and punctuation

-used examples with supportive details

-creative insight into educational topic

-good synthesis and/or analysis of topic