For a guy from the south side, Louie speaks pretty good English.

Instructions: Make corrections to the following 10 excerpts from business writing samples.

Creating Parallel StruFor a guy from the south side, Louie speaks pretty good English.cture When Listing Items

1. To narrow a Web search:

  • Place quotation marks around a phrase when you want an exact term.
  • Many search engines have wild cards (usually an asterisk) to find plurals and other forms of a word.
  • Reading the instructions on the search engine itself can teach your advanced search techniques.

Correcting Sentence Errors: Run Ons, Fragments, Antecedents, and Repetition

2. Zane and me prepared the cover for the annual report and then we forwarded it to Nardo for review when tomorrow she will let us know if there are any revisions.

Fixing Errors in Grammar and Punctuation

3. Company’s are find it to their advantage to cultivate their suppliers. Partnerships between company’s and their suppliers can yield hefty payoffs for both the company and the supplier.One example is Bailey Controls with Ohio. Bailey make control systems for big factories. They treat suppliers like departments of their company. When a Bailey Controls employee pass a laser scanner over a bins bar code the supplier is instantly alerted to send more parts.

Correcting Errors in Denotation and Connotation

4. For a guy from the south side, Louie speaks pretty good English.

5. For a woman, JoAnn is remarkably stable—she might just have what it takes for management.

Eliminating Jargon and Simplifying Language

6. With regard to the aforementioned letter of July the 15th, we expect to expedite your order to ship not later than July 21.

7. Proffering the appropriate remuneration for services rendered assists in securing the most adroit and capable person for our employ.

Changing Verbs from Passive to Active

8. The car was driven by Lloyd to the airport.

9. A phone call was made by Penelope to the home office.

10. Whenever possible, vacations should be taken by employees during the summer months.