How does Starbucks’ policy of corporate social responsibility impact the company’s bottom line?

Watch this video and answer the following questions I need 300-350


  1. How does Starbucks’ policy of corporate social responsibility impact the company’s bottom line?
  2. As Starbucks continues its global expansion, what must it do to ensure that the company maintains its socially conscious focus?
  3. How many countries is Starbuck’s conducting business in?  What are their top five most successful international business (name the countries).
  4. Can you think of another company that demonstrates socially responsible – a company that is known for their philanthropy?
  5. What have you learned about the new Milan, Italy Starbucks via research?  Was this a good idea?  This is said to be the last major opening under Howard Schultz’s retirement.

Deliver solid content in 300-350 words –   deductions taken for shorter responses.  Remember that the restatement of the questions and the reference recap at the bottom of your  postings do not count towards the word count requirement.


Use   an authored outside   reference beyond your textbook. Zero points given for non-authored web   sources.  It is   okay/great to use your textbook, but I want to see more research beyond your   text. You may use a brand web page too, but you still need an authored source   too. Recap your reference in APA format only   at the bottom of your posting. Your reference must be clearly   cited in APA format within your posting to count. Always provide   the exact web site address for this course in your recap of references for   full credit.

Research always beyond the   materials provided to ADD to the discussion.  An authored source is simply one   that is associated with a human(s) NAME.   For example, your textbook is   an authored source.  The United States Census Bureau is not an authored   source.  But it is fine to use as long as you ALSO use an authored   reference source.

No videos, blogs, tweets, wikis, interviews, podcasts, encyclopedias,   or dictionaries allowed – use an authored reference.