Produce an argument that explains the artist’s purpose/meaning of the this particular work

Produce an argument that explains the artist’s purpose/meaning of the this particular work

Now that you have spent some time evaluating the details of the Virtruvian Man, please answer the following essay question.

Produce an argument that explains the artist’s purpose/meaning of the this particular work. (Notice the goal here is attempt to evaluate what the artist is trying to convey. This is not about what you believe or imagine but rather attempting to use the evidence left to us by the author to construct the artist’s purpose.)

Step 1: Produce an opinion that addresses the question.

The purpose of the Virtruvian Man is ……..

Step 2: Use 4 details (yes, please view the discussion board to pick the best details) to support your opinion. You must discuss specific details from the image(many students don’t discuss specifics but write about generalities) and then you MUST explain what these details mean and how they support your opinion.

Step 3: Critical reflection. Now that you have used evidence from the image (not google or a some other resource), you must now evaluate believe this “meaning” as a representation of a physical, spiritual, or cognitive truth that you are experience today. It is one thing to clearly comprehend the meaning of a work of art (Step 1 and Step 2) but can you now evaluate this work as to whether it has meaning or “works” today. Does this work speak to us today or rather does it have “value” today from your own historical point of view?

Step 4: Conclusion. This should be a quick summary of the argument and your own critical reflection.



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